More Ways To Help
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Send a check
(Please make checks payable to: The Mt. Healthy Alliance, Inc.).
Mail donations to:
The Mt. Healthy Alliance, Inc.
P.O. Box 31028
Mt. Healthy, OH 45231
Bring your donations to the pantry or to one of our member churches.
You can also visit the following restaurants and we will receive a % of the purchase of your meal:
Perkins: Second Wednesday of the Month
Sweet Heart Cafe: Third week of every Month
Shopping and Donating: When you sign up and shop at Kroger, Paypal, Amazon Smile, we will receive a % of your purchase.
Volunteer to help at one of our ministry programs. On-line forms for volunteering are listed on the left side of the home page.
Current Needs of our Food Pantry:
- Tuna
- Toothbrushes
- Canned fruit
- Deodorant
- Toilet paper
- Tooth paste
- Shampoo
- Depends
- Dish Detergent